Cape Buffalo Horn Scale

Cape Buffalo Horn Scale Flat Block Sets

The African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) is a large sub-Saharan African bovine. Syncerus caffer caffer, the Cape buffalo, is the typical subspecies, and the largest one, found in Southern and East Africa. S. c. nanus (the forest buffalo) is the smallest subspecies, common in forest areas of Central and West Africa, while S. c. brachyceros is in West Africa and S. c. aequinoctialis is in the savannas of East Africa.

The adult African buffalo’s horns are its characteristic feature: they have fused bases, forming a continuous bone shield across the top of the head referred to as a “boss”. It is widely regarded as one of the most dangerous animals on the African continent, and according to some estimates[citation needed] it gores, tramples, and kills over 200 people every year.

# Our horns are thoroughly cleaned according to regulations. It is then cut in different sizes and flattened for everyone’s unique needs. Because each knife, gun or product needs are so different we have these size ranges to give as much space for curves etc that might need to fit in. Each of our pieces are unique, no set will ever look exactly like another. Each set’s measurements are also unique and will always be provided.

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